Children & Families


Children are valued and included in our church community in a variety of ways, because God values and includes children. The Bible makes it clear that children are precious to God and a gift from Him (Deuteronomy 7:13; Psalm 127:3). Jesus also included children in His ministry as He fed the 5,000 and taught about the Kingdom of God. So as we nurture and nourish the spiritual development of children, through intergenerational relationships and support for families, our hope is that we will continue to share our faith in Jesus with future generations of children (Deuteronomy 4:9-10; Psalm 78:1-8).

Dan Rodgers

Next Generations

Dan Rodgers



MPK stands for Mount Pleasant Kids. It is a Sunday morning ministry that offers age appropriate environments to nurture and nourish the spiritual development of children. Our vision is to raise a generation of children who know and love the Lord Jesus with a passion to follow Him for life.


Your child’s safety is a key priority at MPK. Our programmes follow the “Safe Churches” guidelines and are led by volunteers who receive ongoing training. All MPK volunteers are required to have a current ‘Working With Children Check’ and a National Police certificate. We have Safety Helpers on duty each week as well as a rigorous signing in and out procedure. We ask parents to support MPK’s safety policy and to familiarise themselves with the sign in and out procedure.

Pre-School (0–4 years)

Pre-School consists of four separate rooms for our very youngest children:

  • New Born Lounge (0 – 9 months)
  • Baby Lounge (0 – walking)
  • Toddler Lounge (Walking – 2 years)
  • Pre-Kindy (2 – 4 years)

God’s love is demonstrated through care and purposeful play. Leaders partner with parents to allow very young children to experience God’s love through positive, caring relationships.

Kindy & Pre-Primary (4–6 years)

A fabulous learning environment for Kindy & Pre-Primary aged children supports interactions and learning experiences that demonstrate the love of God through excellence in care, intentional and creative play, music, drama, Bible stories and visual arts.

Primary School

God’s love is demonstrated and taught through interactive small groups and an all-in teaching time for children in years 1-6. We provide engaging activities, worship, relevant Bible teaching, discussion and prayer as children are nourished in their faith journey. Volunteer leaders are encouraged to partner with families to develop positive, nurturing relationships in the children’s lives. There is an opportunity for primary aged children to contribute to the church offering during our MPK worship time.

Child Dedications

Child dedications are held at various times throughout the year as part of the Sunday morning celebration services. A child’s dedication is an important occasion for parents to bring their child before the Lord to ask for His blessing on their life. It is also an important occasion for the wider church family to welcome the child and to commit to helping the parents to raise their child in the Christian faith.


Parents should register their interest to the Church Office. You will be contacted to talk through the Child Dedication process. The family is presented with a certificate and a small gift from the Church as a token of our desire to help you raise and nurture your child in faith.

Consideration for Diverse Abilities

Consideration is given to each child, and special consideration is given to those with diverse abilities as we aim to demonstrate God’s love to all. Children with diverse abilities are included in age appropriate ministries where they are able to access and experience activities, sometimes with additional 1 to 1 support. If your child requires additional support please contact our Children and Families Pastor to discuss your child and family needs.


Infants through to Year 6



Sunday mornings during school terms

8.30am & 10.30am (Booragoon Campus)


What is Tumble Tots?

Tumble Tots is the name of our playgroup, led by coordinators from Mount Pleasant Baptist Church.  We not only believe in providing an opportunity for fun, but also wish to reflect our Christian beliefs and values in all we do.  Therefore we say grace before morning tea and may include age appropriate songs and occasional Bible stories.  We would love you to join in with your child at craft time, singing and story time.

Tumble Tots Playgroup wishes to provide an opportunity for parents, grandparents & caregivers in our local area to meet others who are caring for small children.  We aim to provide friendship, support and socialisation in a caring environment.  We look forward to meeting you and your family.


The Tumble Tots Team

What We Offer

  • A Purpose Built Facility
  • A Safe Environment
  • Craft Activities
  • Play Dough
  • Gross Motor Play
  • Stories
  • Singing/Music
  • Age Appropriate Activities & Toys
  • Support/ Encouragement for Mums, Dads, Grandparents & Care Givers


$50 per term for the first child, $25 for the second, additional children are free.  Fees are payable at the beginning of each term.

Helping Us Out

We would like to encourage parents, grandparents and caregivers to give of their time to go on a simple roster once a term to provide morning tea for the adults, preparing the children’s morning tea and cleanup.  Please be aware that we are a nut free zone.  We always aim to have an environment that is safe but parents, grandparents and caregivers are responsible for the supervision and behaviour of their children.

Please remember to keep your child home if they are unwell.  Coughing sneezing and running noses are all contagious.


Please also remember to keep children out of the food preparation area.  Keeping your children safe and healthy is very important to us.

Tumble Tots

This ministry is currently paused.


We are currently looking to recruit someone to run this ministry.


Click here to view the job description.



0 – 4 years old (and their parent/guardian)


Children’s Area, Booragoon Campus

Upcoming Children & Families Events

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