Message: “Justice (AM Service)” from Jonathan Anthony

Message: “Justice (AM Service)” from Jonathan Anthony

Jonathan Anthony - April 9, 2017

Justice (AM Service)


From Series: "Metamorphosis"

Matthew 17 records for us the story of Jesus going up the mountain with his good friends Peter, James and John. There, the Bible tells us, Jesus was transfigured before them. A remarkable transformation took place before their very eyes. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. The Biblical Greek word used for this transformation process is metamorphosis. Amazingly, it’s the same word used by Paul in 2 Corinthians 3:18 which speaks of followers of Jesus being transformed into his likeness with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord. Romans 12 urges us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, as a spiritual act of worship. As we do this very thing, submitting our lives to God, there is a metamorphosis that takes place in our lives. God is in the business of changing us from what we were to what we will ultimately be in Him. Our series through February and March will take us on a journey exploring what this metamorphosis looks like in everyday life.

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