98% of Christians are not in church-paid work – yet we are all called to be kingdom workers.
Marketplace98% is for Christians who work on the frontline, alongside people who generally do not know Jesus. It is a gathering of people from the marketplace who meet regularly and share in an open environment to encourage one another in the integration of faith with work and all of life. Be encouraged, supported and equipped to share the Gospel and live more effectively where you work.
Marketplace98% meets every Friday morning from 7:30am – 8:30am
The Meeting ID is 842 1673 7365 and the password is 080520. Click the button below to join with video. If you would like to join by phone call, call +61 8 6119 3900 and then enter the Meeting ID and password.
Join with Video
Every Friday Morning
7:30am - 8:30am
John Nicholls